Digital Health

AI-supported visualization tool for medical applications in the field of metabolomics

The use of artificial intelligence (AI, especially machine learning and deep learning) creates new opportunities to gain significantly more insights from biological samples. However, these tools are not yet available to a large proportion of doctors and researchers because extensive programming experience is required for their use.

The aim of the project is to harness the potential of AI-supported analysis by developing intuitive, user-centered user interfaces that do not require any programming knowledge.

With representatives of the targeted target groups, needs and requirements will be collected in a user-centered development process and an initial prototype for an interactive visualization of the data analysis will be iteratively implemented. On the basis of this first prototype, intuitively accessible applications should be developed in the medium term, with the help of which AI-supported procedures can actually be used in medical practice.

Project managment: Alina Huldtgren, Florian Huber (Prof. für Data Science at the Faculty of Media)

Project collaborators: David Kosel, Maximillian Tarrach

Funding: HSD’s internal university research funding